Thursday, November 13, 2014


Is television good for you?

Hey guys, so today I wont be posting #4 on the television show list. Instead, I will talking about something a bit more serious. Is television good for you? In my opinion, no. It isnt, for three reasons; it is to distracting, it has an influence on us, sometimes negative and finally because there are better things to do. 

Nowadays, television is wherever you go, wether you watch at home, on your tablet or even your phone! I find that television is to distracting. It has all of our attention, to the point where we forget to do more important things, such as; doing or finishing our homework, doing the chores we were supposed to do and spending time with our families. What we dont notice is that televison is slowly taking over our society. I find that television is stoppinf us from being social, we barely go outside anymore and see our friends outside of school. 

Secondly, television has an influence on us, sometimes a negative influence. Some of us get so obsessed with a certain television show or movie, that we start behaving and thinking like our favourite character. Sometimes we get influenced by the wrong character, like the antogonist of the show, the mean girl or guy of the series. They get into our heads and we think that it's a good thing to act like them when in reality, its not. 

Third of all, television prevents us from being social. We get so into our television series and we binge watch them all day. We barely see our friends outside of school, and if we do it's usually to watch the newest episode together of a series together. We forget what it was like to actually be social. 

In conclusion, television is not good for us because it stops us from conversing with our families, it has a negative effects on our minds and finally, it stops is from being social. 

1 comment:

  1. Your'e right. Television is not good for you. But it is good sometimes when you have nothing to do and bored, when there's a big game going on or other big events. TV comes in handy sometimes when you need something to do.
